Family Reunion

Royal Caribbean Enchantment of the Seas

This year, my family reunion was held aboard the Royal Caribbean Enchantment of the Seas. What a terrific experience!

We stand at the rail as the ship pulls away from the pier.

All of our family members flew to Fort Lauderdale, FL. We boarded the ship on July 7, and set sail about 5 pm. It was exciting to stand at the rail of the ship’s bow as we pulled away from the pier, and hear the mighty ship’s horn!

The evacuation drill!

The first order of the cruise was the lifeboat drill, as every passenger joins the crew on the deck to learn where the life boats are, and what to do in the unlikely event of evacuation. 





three sisters

Of course, my sisters and I tried on our new swimsuits, sat in the SHADE and drank margaritas!

It was a great day, and the cruise had just begun!

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One Response to “Family Reunion”

  1. Kim Says:

    I wish we were still there! Love, Kim

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