APNQ – Association of Northwest Quilters – QuiltFest 2008

August 8th, 2008

What a great weekend in Seattle! I taught 3 classes for APNQ 2008 QuiltFest in Seattle at the Washington State Convention Center. This was the first time the APNQ show offered workshops, and it was lovely to see the other instructors – I crossed paths with Anita Shackelford, Diane Gaudynski, Yvonne Porcella, and Jean Wells. I missed meeting other instructors Daphne Greig, Shar Jorgenson, and Rosalie Dace (from South Africa).

The convention center was a lovely facility! My dear friend Kathy Butler joined me, and we had a nice visit during the QuiltFest. I missed another friend, Charlotte Rogers but did visit with Jane Moxey, the producer of my new DVD. Here are some photos of the weekend in Seattle!

A highlight of the trip was visiting Pike Place Market! (Click on any photo to see it larger. Click the new photo once again to see it full size).  Kathy and I treated ourselves to a gigantic specialty dipped apple from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate factory – a Granny Smith with caramel, white chocolate, dark chocolate, peanutbutter & crushed nuts. We would cut off small slices and savor the wedges for dessert!

Childhood home

August 3rd, 2008

My friends know that I have moved regularly throughout my lifetime – our current home is my 39th! While visiting Omaha recently, I drove past our home where we lived for 6-8 years. Dad worked for the Peter Kiewitt company, and we kids were in our “formative” high school years.

Our home was a ranch style, with a large front and back yard. A couple of weeks prior to my visit, a wind storm had ravaged the Omaha area, and I believe the damaged roof on the garage was possibly due to that storm. Additionally, there is an unexpected open sunny corner in the yard, and a circular pattern of sawdust & wood chips, indicating a large tree had been removed.


High School Reunion – 2

August 3rd, 2008

Classmate photos (please send me other photos that you’d like to post). This posting is ONLY for reunion classmate reference – and I’ll gladly remove any photo upon request.


High School Reunion – 1

August 2nd, 2008

This weekend my husband and I flew to Omaha, Nebraska for both a family reunion with his side of the family, and my 35th high school reunion.

Have you ever attended YOUR high school reunion? This is my 2nd time – previously, location, distance, and teaching committments have conflicted with the reunion schedule.

People attend their reunions for different reasons – most hope to meet their friends from long ago and remember the good times together. Others come to impress their old classmates, to prove their current status and worth – thus settling old “scores”.

The safety of bygone years allows classmates to confess old infatuations – and the recipient hearing the confession is both pleased and surprised at their long-ago ignorance of the potential romance!

Our reunion focused upon 4 events – two evening gatherings, a golf outing, and a tour of our old alma-mater – Westside High School.


The school has really changed! The original structure is still present, but the front entrance has been relocated to the east side of the building. The school is very high-tech inside! Each student is issued an Apple laptop for their use during the years at Westside. The school boasts its own television broadcasting studio which students operate!

The renovated athletic fields and Athletic Pavilion are beautiful – the pool, drained for summer maintenence, brought back fond memories.

Most of the remaining areas had been remodeled or upgraded to the point that we just wandered and marveled at the changes!

Made by Hand

July 30th, 2008

More Cruise Photos!

July 9th, 2008

These photos are for my family to enjoy – as we took so many great photos. One of our favorite evenings was the formal night, where we all dressed up and had a lovely dinner together in the dining room. I must say that the dinners were my FAVORITE time of the cruise!

Click on any photo to see a larger view.


 Courtney, Jan, Kim, Dana & Shruti


family friend Walter Elliott & Joie


Joie, Jan & Don at dinner

Jan & Don 

Don & Jan

Courtney, Jim & Dana

  Paul & Shruti 

Paul & Shruti at dinner


Joel & Kim at dinner 


Shruti at dinner


Kim at dinner 


Kiran, Aaron, Jason

 Poulsen Family Reunion Cruise

This is the formal photo taken by the ship’s photographer.    Left to right – (front row): Kim, Courtney, Joie, Dana, Jan, Shruti  (middle row): Joel, Walt, Jim, Don, Paul, (back row): Aaron, Jason, Kiran

Family Reunion Day 1 – Key West

July 8th, 2008

Key West Island and postcard 

Key West view from the ship  Clouds in Key West

The first port of call was Key West, Florida. Some of our family members went on “snuba” adventures, snorkeling in the turquoise waters.

  The Cosgrove House 1 The Cosgrove House sign

feral Key West chickens   Key West Chicken souvenirs  Feral Rooster

Key West feral chickens and chicken souvenirs

Don and I decided to take it easy and wander around Key West – it was a short port of call, and we’d set sail by 1pm. We walked along tree-lined streets, enjoying the flowering trees and historic homes. The air was steamy and humid. We were thankful it was early in the day!

rent an electric cart!  inviting outdoor dining

Key West is famed for many things – electric carts and feral chickens, which live wild and free where ever they please. Gift shops sell Chicken souvenirs, too!

Our goal in Key Westto eat a slice of Key Lime Pie. We walked in search of the Blond Giraffe Key Lime Factory. The pie-making operation was not working that morning, so I found an Internet image to see what it WOULD have looked like!

Blond Giraffe Key Lime Pie Factory  Jan at Blond Giraffe

Blond Giraffe sign, Key West  Key Lime Meringe pie

Once our pie was eaten, we walked back and boarded the ship. It was heavenly to be back in the cool air aboard ship! It must take more than one morning to adjust to the steamy climate!

the cruise ship at the pier in Key West

Family Reunion

July 7th, 2008

Royal Caribbean Enchantment of the Seas

This year, my family reunion was held aboard the Royal Caribbean Enchantment of the Seas. What a terrific experience!

We stand at the rail as the ship pulls away from the pier.

All of our family members flew to Fort Lauderdale, FL. We boarded the ship on July 7, and set sail about 5 pm. It was exciting to stand at the rail of the ship’s bow as we pulled away from the pier, and hear the mighty ship’s horn!

The evacuation drill!

The first order of the cruise was the lifeboat drill, as every passenger joins the crew on the deck to learn where the life boats are, and what to do in the unlikely event of evacuation. 





three sisters

Of course, my sisters and I tried on our new swimsuits, sat in the SHADE and drank margaritas!

It was a great day, and the cruise had just begun!

Aboard Ship

July 7th, 2008

The Enchantment of the Seas is a bright, light and airy ship. There are many beautiful areas where passengers can meet, relax, and share conversation over a cool drink. It is like a small floating city!

Enchantment of the Seas pool deck

Pool deck

Enchantment of the Seas - upper walking deck

Upper deck for walking or jogging

Royal Caribbean Center Prominade - Enchantment

Center Prominade – Royal Caribbean Enchantment of the Seas