Summer Salsa Lone Star Quilt class

Intermediate level quilting skills required: Rotary cutting, accurate 1/4" piecing, paper foundation piecing

Spice up the traditional Lone Star quilt with brilliant color and foundation pieced "extras" - blocks that fill the inset squares and compass-type corners.
Jan's class will cover design tips and offer suggestions for fabric placement. Select fabrics in colors similar to the ones Jan has used, or feel free to create your own dazzling color palette! Glue fabrics in the design paste-up, and pre-cut strips for the central star before class.
This class will feature strip piecing and foundation piecing techniques. You will do advance preparation for class. The supplies are necessary for class (I promise you'll be using them.)
** Basic knowledge of rotary cutting, strip piecing, and foundation piecing is recommended. **
Advanced preparation for class is required. Please print all supply list pages.
Strip size: 2 1/4" Finished center star size (tip to tip): approx. 33 1/2" inches Finished quilt size: approximately 46" x 46"
Supplies and tools:
Class text:
- Lone Star Quilts & Beyond book by Jan Krentz
Sewing machine & equipment:
- sewing machine with bobbins, electrical cords, foot pedal
- quarter-inch sewing machine foot
- walking foot, standard machine feet
Sewing tools:
- Assortment of machine needles - sharps, one ballpoint, sizes 70 or 80 / (10 or 12)
- extra-fine .5 shaft glass-headed pins (important for precision piecing and blocking – treat yourself to a brand new package!)
- Thread – medium value to coordinate with project
- Seam ripper + thread snips
- stiletto or substitute (bamboo skewer, seam ripper, trolley needle, awl, hat pin, etc)
Rotary cutting & Ironing Equipment:
- rotary cutter with new blade
- 18" x 24" or larger cutting mat
- 6" x 24" ruler
- 12" x 12" or larger quilter's square ruler
- 3" x 18" ruler
- Quilter's Cut 'n Press – 12" x 18" (or larger) pressing board or home-made pressing pad
- full sized iron (one per 3-4 students) or personal travel iron
- spray starch or fabric finish (if fabrics are pre-washed or limp)
- Pump spray bottle (fill with water in class)
Office Supplies:
- glue stick or Roxanne‘s glue baste-it (stick fabric swatches to fabric sheet and/or mockup)
- 3-ring notebook, blank paper, pen
- paper scissors
- extra-fine Sharpie permanent marker
- colored pencils, pencil sharpener (for marking fabrics with 1/4" seam lines – just a few colors needed)
- transparent (clear) adhesive tape (NOT frosted "magic" tape)
- stapler
- 2 mirror tiles OR Jan's Quilter's Design Mirrors
- small paper bag for trash
- 2-3 zip-lock bags (large) for small pieces
- fat quarter (18" x 22" approx.) 100% light colored cotton fabric - muslin or other fabric OK - for blocking cloth. Pre-wash or moisten and press with hot iron to pre-shrink.
- 10 – 11" squares freezer paper (includes 2 extra)
- 2 – 18" squares freezer paper
- Blue Painter's Masking tape (to adhere design surface to the wall) OR Command hooks and binder clips (click on link for more information)
Classroom & miscellaneous equipment:
- 2 yds. flannel, felt, or quilt batting for design wall
- Electrical "power strip" & heavy duty extension cord
- fabrics, precut into strips as recommended on fabric list. Bring all excess (uncut) fabric with you.
- 1 sheet fine sandpaper or sandpaper board (used under fabric when marking 1/4" seam allowances)
Optional equipment:
- safety pins (to secure fabrics to design wall surface for safe transport home)
- Fussy Cutter Diamond rulers (can purchase from Jan in class or at the event)
- 1-2 yds lightweight fusible interfacing (only if planning to use loosely woven or specialty fabrics in the pieced diamonds or foundation-pieced sections)
- "Tilt'able" slanted support for your sewing machine or 2 large rubber door stops to tilt the sewing machine toward yourself in class for better visiblity while sewing.
- camera (film or digital – will be used for design work and photographing other techniques in class)
- Quick Quarter ruler (blue with slots)
Summer Salsa's color families are warm tones of red-oranges, golds, lime greens, teals, purple and black. You may substitute a different group of fabrics in the same amounts, and create a totally new theme with your quilt!
1 Black – solid
1 – 1-1/2 yd
do not cut until instructed
2 Black with colored stripe
(You may wait until class to cut this fabric)
1/4 yard
1 – 2 1/4" strip OR 8 fussy-cut diamonds
3 Bold, med/dark batik or print
1/2 yard
6 – 2 1/4" strips
4 Lime – bright
1/4 yard
(used in the rocket blocks)
5 Lime – medium
1/2–5/8 yd
6 – 2 1/4" strips (also used for compass corners)
6 Lime – med/dark
1/4 yard
1 – 2 1/4" strip
7 Gold – medium
1/4 yard
(used in the rocket blocks and compass corners)
8 Orange – bright (accent)
1/4 yard
1 – 2 1/4" strip
9 Orange – medium
1/2 yard
3 – 2 1/4" strips (rocket blocks / compass corners)
10 Rusty red/orange – medium
1/2 yard
2 – 2 1/4" strips (also used in rocket blocks/compass corners)
11 Rusty red/orange – dark
1/4 yard
(used in the rocket blocks / compass corners)
12 Teal (blue/green)
1/2 yard
4 – 2 1/4" strips (used in rocket blocks/compass corners)
13 Blue – dark
3/4 yard
6 – 2 1/4" strips
14 Purple – dark
1/2 yard
2 – 2 1/4" strips (used in the compass corners)
* YARDAGE is ESTIMATED - generous to allow for shrinkage, trimming & design changes *
Bring this completed paste-up sheet to class. You will use it through the entire quilt construction process. You will have ONE STRIP for EACH DIAMOND on the paste-up. There may be multiple strips of some fabrics for instance, fabric 5 requires 6 strips (because it appears in 6 different diamonds)

Bonus pages: Print for use after class: Seam Allowance Calibration Page; Drawing a Trapezoid unit (pdf); Lone Star Calculations—for star quilts of different sizes and layouts; Rocket Block Screenshots—construction tips.
Questions? Contact me. I'll see you in class! Jan
Supply List Tips & Tools